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  • Writer's pictureLizzie

Who am I?

Are you in your 30's and still have no idea what you're doing? Me too!!

Lets figure it out together!

Over the last few years, I have been a HOT MESS, to say the least. I haven't been able to figure out who I am or even who I want to be, for that matter. This blog is... well, a journey. This is me figuring out how to incorporate the things that I love and the people I love, to create a life that I love.

  • Beauty- OBVIOUSLY!! Skincare routines, products, ingredients oh my! Literally anything I want to learn about, I'll make a post for. Why? BECAUSE I CAN! I love beauty boxes and trying out new things! I test SO MUCH product and I don't really get to share that with anyone! I’m always open to try new techniques and products so don't hesitate to make a suggestion.

  • Family- pfft...As if I could keep Dan OR Joe away from a camera! My life revolves around my family (mostly Danny) and with this new journey, my extended family is super far. Luckily, you guys get a two-fer in the blog game, because my cousin is also on this journey into the realm of Blogging. Her and her soon to be hubby have been sent by the cosmos to keep me sane, I swear! (Check out her blog on Tampa Treats, fitness, fashion and her adorable fur-baby, Hudson at

  • Spirituality- It’s not what you think... Or maybe it is, I don't know yet! It's all part of the journey. I feel like I MUST include this because so much of my self-care and daily routines are accompanied by my spiritual quest. You'll see lots of crystals and incense amongst other things. Feel free to ask, I’m not shy.

  • Food!!- I LOVE SNACKS! Seriously, I just love food. I should really be focusing on hitting the gym with the amount I can put away, BUT A BLOG IT IS! Tampa is CHOCK FULL of delicious treats that we NEED to try out and I'll need to share.

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